10/10/98 COCONUT3.TXT [New Quake2 Pak w/3 Single Player Levels] Quake2 Registered Ver. 3.14 [or higher] Required [3.19 recommended] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TITLE: "PC Gamer Presents: Saving Private Monkey" * visit the PCgamer web site at http://www.pcgamer.com/main.html * Coconut3.zip 8.58 m containing: pako.pak 14.8 m gamex66.dll 400 Kb coconut3.txt 5 Kb cm3.cfg cm3_skill0.bat cm3_skill1.bat cm3_skill2.bat ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author/Editor/Mapper: Neil Manke ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pierre & Flame Models/Code: Andrew Eglington World and Monster Sounds: Magnus Jansén German Soldier Skins: Josh Rhode Textures & Sky/Enviro: Neil Manke +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Producer: Bill Harms Sound Producer: Mike Wolf Voice of CM & Pierre: Coconut Monkey +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VOICES: Gunner: Eskil Larsson Infantry/Gestapo: Per Jacobsson Soldier: Magnus Jansén +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PC Gamer Presents: Prologue: The showdown at Dry Gulch has left you worn and wasted, but the but there is one last mission..... Story: It was cold that day when the Allied forces hit the beaches at Normandy. But while the world focused its attention on the Allies and Germans, a little-known battle was taking place, a battle for truth, honor, and the greatest game ever made, Gravy Trader. ***************************************************************** If you want to see more Coconut Monkey themed levels, write and let us know! Send e-mail to bharms@pcgamer.com, or write to: Bill Harms c/o PC Gamer 150 North Hill Drive Brisbane, CA 94005 ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Remember, you must own a copy of the full retail version of QUAKE2(r) in order to play this extra single-player level pak. For additional information on how to purchase your very own copy of QUAKE2(r) please contact Id Software (http://www.idsoftware.com/) or visit you local computer software retail store. Please read this text file for complete installation and play details for this extra level[s] "pak" file. QUAKE2(r) is a registered trademark and the Q2(TM) logo, Id Software (TM) and the Id(TM) logo are trademarks of Id Software, Inc. Quake(r) (c)1997 Id Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** * Thanks to * Bill Harms, Michael Wolf & Matt Firme at PC Gamer * Ben Morris for 'Worldcraft' * Id Software of course! * Tim Wright for 'arghrad' help and info * Joerg Moser for German language info * Special Thanks to the testers.... * Aceplayer * Dennis Plester * Gene Spinks * Magnus Jansén * Morgan Parry * Paul Taylor * Shawn Wallace * Todd Casey * Tron [aka Matt Godlaski] * Josh Rhode ***************************************************************** * Play information * *Single Player Map* : YES Deathmatch/Co-op : No New Graphics : Yes - most textures by me * sky/enviro by me New skins : Yes.. by Josh Rhode New Models/Code : Pierre monster & Flames by Andrew Eglington New World & Monster Sounds : Yes... by Magnus Jansén Base : new levels from scratch Tools used * Worldcraft 1.6, qART, Paint Shop Pro, PakExplorer, QPed, Wally, SkyPaint, qME * By Geoffrey DeWan, compile mods -gddQBSP3 & gddQVIS3 * By Tim Wright - arghrad [qrad3 mod] Known Bugs/nonbugs : None Max Kills Possible : Map 1 2 3 ---------------------------------- Skill 0 54 36 41 Skill 1 74 46 61 Skill 2 84 54 74 Distribution : This level may be electronically distributed only if coconut3.txt is included and at NO CHARGE to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. I would also like to request anyone who reviews and/or lists "PC Gamer Presents: Saving Private Monkey" at their site to kindly inform me that they have done so. Thanks:) This level may not be distributed on any medium, such as, but not limited to, CDs, floppy disks, etc, without the express written permission of PC Gamer and Imagine Media. Property: * The graphics/textures that portray the PC Gamer words or that depict Coconut Monkey or Pierre are the property of PC Gamer. The rest of the custom textures/ skins/graphics/code/sounds are the property of their respective authors and ARE NOT to be used in any other add-ons levels/paks/etc. without the written permission of the appropriate author. Coconut Monkey, Pierre, and Gravy Trader are trademarks of PC Gamer magazine and Imagine Media. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Do NOT use 'movement type' cheat codes in this map! You will mess up the sequencing of events if you do. *** HOW TO RUN "Saving Private Monkey" map *** *Registered Ver 3.14 [or higher] of Quake 2 is required!* [Ver. 3.19 recommended] *You ladies should play as 'male' player in this level because you are playing 'as' Coconut Monkey, then you will hear his special sounds and voice. As per the following diagram, create a directory in 'Quake2' parallel to 'baseq2' named 'coconut3' and extract all files in coconut3.zip directly into it. *** DO NOT extract into the 'baseq2' directory! *** C:\QUAKE2 | +--- BASEQ2 | | | +--- MAPS | +--- COCONUT3 | | +-- pak0.pak +-- gamex86.dll +-- cm3.cfg +-- cm3_skill0.bat +-- cm3_skill1.bat +-- cm3_skill2.bat +-- coconut3.txt Then to run, open up the coconut3 directory with Win95 File Explorer and double-click the .bat file that corresponds to the skill level you want to play in. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS? 99.9 % of the mail to me concerning problems with running pak files is because the gamer never followed the instruction EXACTLY! If you do so, and your version of Q2 is upgraded [3.19 recommended] and working fine, then this pak will work for you. If all else fails then feel free to write me, but if you have a prob of a very technical nature then the best 'may' be to write Andrew Eglington as he is the expert on technical matters. But please consult all your Q2 document files first. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPOILER WARNING! Read no further if you don't want hints! Some places that may give you probs: CLIMBING- Some things 'other' than ladders are also climbable. * Bare in mind that you will have to return to the boat after you find the gasoline and Germans will have had time to reinfest some areas. You may need to grab items you never needed before? Getting out of start area: - Find the underwater cave [you must crouch to get into it] Tank in level 1: - In the radar tower you will find a grenade launcher, then if you get close in front of the tank and crouch down [he can NOT shoot that low] and lob a grenade or 2 over top of the barrel and into the turret. There is an opening there that is a bit hard to see. ... easy eh? If you have probs with that you can just run by him but watch the gun barrel doesn't squish you! Leaving Level One? - forget about crossing the minefield [signs that say minen!], it is possible but very difficult. Go into the bunker there immediately off of the dirt trenches. By the lantern is a door that will take you into concrete tunnels. At the end you will find a locked metal door. By it is a button which will call a lift to take you to artillery post above. At the artillery post is a button which will unlock the door below. Then if you return there you can exit the level. Progressing in Level 2: -the train track tunnel route is not meant to be an exit... it is a 'misleader' and will always end in death. - Once you reach the big gun you will need to fire it to alert guards who will then come and lower the door so you can progress. Load a shell into the gun by pushing the illuminated swaztika button. After shell is loaded climb the stepladder on the opposite side of the gun and lower the breach lock[?]. Then go back to control panel side and find switch on counter that rotates and gives message "armed". At that time the Big Gun will fire and shortly a couple German soldiers will come to investigate and they will lower door for you:] -past that door and down an exterior concrete alleyway you will come to a water pump. shoot the wood boards where the inlet pipe comes up and into pump. down that ladder is the way to level 3. Ruined Church in map 3: - There are lots of items in the basement so make sure you go that way. It is not a 'required' route so could be missed. Tank in level 3- there is a gas barrel besides the tank. Just lob a grenade into there and the tank will catch fire and burn the poor guy in the turret. To start end sequences so you can return to boat: - find the red gas can in the ruined area Pierre runs to. Sometimes he returns from that area if you don't pursue him there. But you still must find the red gas can there. You will get a new F1 message saying to return to the boat when you have the benzine/gasoline. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++